Arma 3 Best Single Player Mods
DaiZy is a mod that allows you to play single player DayZ offline. It has all the same features as the regular online version, including friendly and bandit units (controlled by AI), loot, vehicles and everything else you could possibly want. It's also allows cheating through the additional installation of one or two other files.
- Single player. Why would anyone do this in a SAND BOX? It is not as if this game have some conclusion or anything. It is plain and simple sand box.
- The original PUBG is among the most-played mods for Arma 3. And the only standalone game mode to make it into the top five. Conspicuously without a single-player campaign.

Elmofongo: Excluding DayZ, I want to know if these mods have any single player valueThe world war 2 mod Invasion 1944Vietnam modand Project reality?Any single player value? Hi,Invasion 1944 definitely has some SP missions, but I have never tried them. All the units and maps are available in the editor, its fairly easy to make a basic mission, especially with all those youtube tutorials out thereThe unsung mod is same as above, at least the last time I checked. I'm not sure how many SP missions come with that mod but I definitely remember playing at least oneI haven't played the project reality mod, but since the community round it is very PVP focused I can't see there being many SP missions for it unless someone made one and uploaded it to a fansite.
Arma 3 Liberation Single Player

Like the others it should work in the editor although it may act as a replacement mod like ACEmod, in which case it might seem like nothing new is added but in reality it alters damage values behind the scenes. You may need to use some game scripts from the 'modules' tab in the editor to use any extra functions but other than that is should work like above.Hope that helps. MJVandershonk: Hi,Invasion 1944 definitely has some SP missions, but I have never tried them. All the units and maps are available in the editor, its fairly easy to make a basic mission, especially with all those youtube tutorials out thereThe unsung mod is same as above, at least the last time I checked. I'm not sure how many SP missions come with that mod but I definitely remember playing at least oneI haven't played the project reality mod, but since the community round it is very PVP focused I can't see there being many SP missions for it unless someone made one and uploaded it to a fansite. Like the others it should work in the editor although it may act as a replacement mod like ACEmod, in which case it might seem like nothing new is added but in reality it alters damage values behind the scenes. You may need to use some game scripts from the 'modules' tab in the editor to use any extra functions but other than that is should work like above.Hope that helps It took a whole week for someone to reply, this is why I don't like the dedicated forums:Panyway thank you for the information, better late than never:).
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