Grim Dawn Class Overview

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Introduction to 6 Masteries1. Soldier: Warrior+Knight. Ideal for every melee combat. With a lot of buff and very good passive. The community claim that soldier is the best for survival in ultimate difficulty. Focus in Physical, Internal Trauma, Bleeding damage.

Grim Dawn Skill Description

Auras and Passive skills are very good in all aspect. Weak and boring in early game. Need to be patient before getting extremely strong at end game2. Demolitionist: Destroyer of Grim Dawn. Has every destructive skills of a mere human could have.

Grim Dawn is an action role-playing game for the PC, developed by veterans of Iron Lore Entertainment, the creators of Titan Quest. Enter an apocalyptic fantasy world where humanity is on the brink of extinction, iron is valued above gold and trust is hard earned. When comparing Grim Dawn vs Titan Quest, the Slant community recommends Grim Dawn for most people. In the question 'What are the best hack and slash PC games?' Overview Specs Questions Pros Cons. At level 10 you can select a second class, which already gives you 5x5=25 character type possibilities.

Fire, Explosion, Grenade, Molotov, Flashbang or even a Mortar. Also has massive debuff to his foes. Focus in Fire, Lightning as a primary damage. Physical and chaos is secondary. Auras are very good and versatile.

Explosive and trap skills are very strong at damage/debuff/crowd control3. Occultist: The one who borrows power from 3 witch gods. Emperor of Chaos and Vitality, Solael. King of Damage over Time like Acid&Poison and Bleeding, Dreeg. The last one who can take control of beasts and devilish creatures, Bysmiel. The skills are obviously divide into 3 by the witch. It may be hard for newbie to understand the mechanic make the full use of this mastery.

Advice is to skipped it to 2nd choice or learn how to play it right from internet. Focus in Chaos, Vitality, Acid&Poison damage or Pet style. Has very good buff and massive debuff. Exclusive auras are very strong in their type. Have Few Dmg Skills. So it may be difficult at first. Not recommend to choose as a first mastery.4.

Shaman: The one who use power from the nature. Has versatile skills. Master of Two-Handers and totems.

The skills can divide by a similar method to occultist. Focus in Lightning, Vitality and Damage over Time(like Electrocute, Frostburn, Bleeding). Master in Two-Handed weapons. Pet viable. Exclusive Auras and Passive skills aren't strong as others, but totems and normal auras are very good.5. Arcanist: Truly mage. Has everythings a mage could have and contain best skills in games.

It is best for ultimate difficulty after Soldier. Impressive Auras and crazy AoE skills. Eye candy and very destructive spells. Focus in Elemental(Fire+Cold+Lightning) and Aether damage. All active skills are the best. Flexible to build.

Very good auras6. Nightblade: Assassins, Hunter, Rogue or whatever to call him.

Specialize in Dual Wield. Master of speed and sharpness. Good technical auras and have life saver buff. Has various of bursty damage skills. Focus in Pierce and Bleeding as a primary damage.

(Optional primary is Cold or Acid&Poison). Master in Dual Wield. Auras is good at end game. Buff is very good for entire game.

Half of Active skills aren't popular because of many reasons(Mostly is not as effective as others). Squishy but has melee concept. So it may be hard to start with melee. Anyway his melee at end game is extremely strong.Picture yourself at end game by Seeking through Legendary sets and Epics.Seek and try to build your character with end game items. Figure what will your character should be then you'll play it with goal to achieve.

It will encourage you to play and find the right item to prepare for the future. If you can't decide I recommend you to try playing in multiplayer. Meet other people and exchange ideas or just see their concept and gameplay will inspired you.2. Select the appropriate damage type and skills between two classFigure which skills you want to use and appropriate damage type.

Also debuff to amplify your damage type too. It will make your build very strong.3. If something or mastery concept isn't fit, then try to find Items to fix themSome items can convert a type of damage into another. Some provides good skills or extra auras those may fit the build and make the build able to play at good performance.4. Does it suit your play styleYou'll have your own conclusion from above topics to figure out that the build you think will suit you or not.Don't worry about weapons.

There's relic or items that can have you Dual wield pistols or melee and can make you strong even your mastery aren't specialist in those weapons.Items reference. These are conclusion from each class1. Commando (Soldier+Demolitionist)Melee/TankCombination of raging warrior and destructive bomber. They've various strong buff and passive.

He is the real vanguard of the army. Weapon: Sword&Broad, Two-Handers.

Choose your default attack modifier between Cadence(Physical) or Firestrike(Fire). It will determine your primary damage type. Popular Build: Firestrike/Blitz/Cadence Commando2. Witchblade (Soldier+Occultist)Melee/Tank/Ranged/CasterPeople often use Soldier as a primary mastery and a very strong support skills from Occultist. Various support from Occultist can make variety of the build.

One of the popular class. Weapon: All. Soldier Primary - Focus in Cadence and Physical damage. Very high damage tanker. Solael Primary - Focus in Chaos+Vitality. High attack speed and life leech.

Dreeg Primary - Focus in Acid&Poison. High DoT damage tanker. Auras and buffs cover almost everything. Strong debuff. Devotion routes are diverse. Popular Build: Cadence/DEE Witchblade3.

Warder (Soldier+Shaman)Melee/Tank/CasterFrom both mastery made Warder to be the toughest tank with very high regen and health pool. Strong Retaliation auras and master of Two-Handers. Weapon: Sword&Broad, Two-Handers.

Choose your default attack modifier between Cadence(Physical) or Savagery(For Bleeding or 2-H). Focus in Physical, Lightning or Bleeding damage. Can play Retaliation build. Popular Build: Bleed/Physical Warder4. Battlemage (Soldier+Arcanist)Melee/Tank/Spamming CasterAfter There're few item changes affect this class. It's more like a physical skillful mage or an aether berserker.

There's an item can convert elemental to physical. Weapong: One-Handed melee/ranged + Shield/Focus. Focus in Elemental damage (Fire+Cold+Lightning), pure Aether or pure physical. Playing Cadence for melee. Calidor's Tempest(CT), Panetti's Replica Missile(PRM) or Albreacht's Aether Ray(AAR) for caster. Popular Build: Cadence Aether/DW Aether Battlemage5.

Blademaster (Soldier+Nightblade)Melee/TankOverpowered in old patch, but has been nerf. Anyway it is still good. Another strong but gear dependent class. Weapon: Sword&Broad, Dual-Wield. Focus in Physical or Pierce. Popular Build: S&B Warborn/DW Deathmarked/Poison Crucible Blademaster/6.

Pyromancer (Demolitionist+Occultist)Melee/Ranged/CasterThe name tell you everything. If you want to play dual wield gunslinger who shot with twin pistol. This is your answer.

Weapon: Dual-Wield Melee and Ranged, One-Handed Melee + Shield/Focus. Focus in Fire and Chaos. Popular Build: DW Gunslinger/BWC Pyromancer7. Elementalist (Demolitionist+Shaman)Melee/Ranged/CasterBest of Lightning class. Weapon: All.

Focus in Lightning and Fire damage. Popular Build: Stunjack/Firestrike Elementalist8. Sorcerrer (Demolitionist+Arcanist)Melee/Ranged/Caster/Hit&RunMost versatile class. Support every style and eye candy skill. Weapon: All. Focus in Elemental and Aether damage. Mostly focus up to 2 damage type.

Example Fire&Aether, Pure Aether, Fire&Lightning. Popular Build: DW gunslinger/Stunjack/BWC/AAR/CT Sorcerer9. Saboteur (Demolitionist+Nightblade)MeleeOne of newbie friendly class and non-geared dependent. People mostly follow jajaja's guide in the official forums. (It's popular thread, you may find it in any search engine.). Weapon: Dual Wield. Focus in Fire and Cold.

Grim Dawn Class OverviewGrim Dawn Class Overview

Using high attack speed to get best damage from Firestrike. Popular Build: Tri-Element/Nex&Ortus Saboteur10. Conjurer (Occultist+Shaman)Caster/Pet. Weapon: One-Handed melee + Shield/Focus. Focus in Vitality and Bleeding damage for caster. Pet style is popular to use very strong buff on your pet. Popular Build: Pet Conjurer11.

Warlock (Occultist+Arcanist)Spamming Caster/PetBest of Laser beam. Weapon: One-Handed melee + Focus. Focus in Chaos or Aether as a primary damage. Fire and Vitality for secondary. Can also play pet style too. Popular Build: Aether/Chaos AAR Warlock12. Witch Hunter (Occultist+Nightblade)Melee/Caster/Hit&RunIt is witch who hunt down their prey.

Assassin-like class. It is not gear-dependent but not seems newbie friendly too.

It need to know how to play and get good at it. Wrong skills and devotion can ruins this class entirely. So be prepare.

Weapon: Dual Wield Melee, One-Handed melee + Focus. Focus in Acid&Poison or Chaos+Vitality damage. Popular Build: DEE Dreeg/DW Venomblade/DW Chaos+Vit Witch Hunter13. Trickster (Shaman+Nightblade)Melee/Tank/Caster/Hit&RunRare class.

Weapon: Dual Wield melee, Two-Handers. Focus in Bleeding and Pierce. May choose Cold or Vitality as a secondary damage. Popular Build: Bleeding/Savagery Trickster14.

Druid (Shaman+Arcanist)Melee/Caster/Hit&RunOne of rare caster, but fun and beautiful skills. Often play Trozan's Sky Shard(TSS)caster. Weakness is lack of resistance reduction and squishy. Weapon: Two-Handers, One-Handed + Focus. Focus in Cold and Lightning damage.

Popular Build: TSS/Ultos Druid15. Spellbreaker (Arcanist+Nightblade)Melee/Caster/Hit&RunMeta game at patch or later.

Cold-hearted Assassin and bursty damage. Viable in most situation and seems to be overpowered in main campaign. Weapon: All except shield. Focus in Cold damage. Secondary may be Aether or Pierce damage. Popular Build: Shadow Strike/PB/TSS Spellbreaker.

Test your own build at:. Information about builds are from Official Grim Dawn Forum. DJ, I'm currently playing a Demo/Inquisitor and love it. Using 2x pistols as main, and a rifle as backup.

Focusing on massive Fire/Lightning damage with a good deal of Piercing and Physical as well. I use Fire Strike as Primary, Grenado as Secondary. Always throw down a Mortar and one of the Inquisitor Runes in a big fight.

Sometimes the Ignaffers (?) Fire spray/channeling skills works well with large groups. The good thing about this combo is that there are an overabundance of destructive skills to choose from.I'm only at level 30 and have maxed out my Demos skill tree, but only have the Inquisitor's up to 20, where I'm keeping it for now. I find using the secondary skill as a compliment to the first works best, with conservative selection of few skills from the latter. Only thing I'm really missing is a pet at this point. Otherwise, I literally explode my way through every level.