How To Make Headset Louder

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Using Audio EnhancementsThis method will enhance the maximum volume of the overall system. In Windows, there is a loudness equalization option supported by most sound cards which needs to be configured in order to make audio louder.

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I have a laptop that has a sound issue for a long time. The sound volume is just not loud enough even though I maximized all the volume controls I can find on that machine. It’s been bothering me so much until lately, I decided to dig a little deep to see if there is anything I can do about it.

Let’s go through the process step by step:. Click on the Volume icon in the system tray.Click on the speaker icon on the sound mixer popup.Select Enhancements from the opened window.

How To Make Headset Louder

Check Loudness Equalization from the list and click OKThis should increase the overall system sound effect to be more louder. But for any reason, your sound card does not support equalization, then you’ll need to go with the other options mentioned in this article. Using Sound Booster PluginsSecond method is to use sound booster plugins.

This is the most reliable and exciting option. But the problem is that there are not many free sound booster plugins available which have many options available for free. But we will list down a few plugins which can be used for boosting the overall volume of the system. DFX Audio Enhancer PluginDFX Audio Enhancer is my favorite tool for enhancing the system volume on my system. DFX Audio Enhancer boosts the sound quality of audio playback of the overall system which includes your music, videos, Internet audio, games and other programs. This plugin comes with a free edition which has most of the configuration options disabled but it will be enough for a basic sound boost on your system.


SoundPimpSoundPimp audio enhancer with High Definition Stereo enhances the overall listening experience of computer audio. I have not used SoundPimp but it seems good because it is available for all platforms including Windows, Mac OS and Linux.

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Using VLC PlayerIf you only want to make your multimedia audio and video louder then you can use multimedia players which let you go beyond the 100% volume limit. One option is VLC Player which lets you increase the volume up to 125%.

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Must Read Articles:. DFX Enhancer free version actually does help a little if you shut off all the stupid enhancements and ONLY use the equalizer. The equalizer is the only good part of it anyway.

The rest is all weird enhancements there is no way to know exactly what they are doing and all they really do is corrupt the natural fidelity of the sound anyway, so if all you want to do is HEAR BETTER from, say, laptop speakers, get the free version of it, turn off everything but the equalizer and play with that until you can hear well.A word of caution though. It will hijack your default sound device. If you try to switch back, it won’t let you unless you disable it.