Skyrim Op Sword Mod

Posted on by admin

So, now that you know how to apply Skyrim mods, here are the 25 best Skyrim Mods you should definitely try: The Top Skyrim Mods You Should Try 1. Relighting Skyrim. If you have played Skyrim, or you’ve just started, you must have noticed light coming from illogical sources. About this mod. Ever Wanted to just have a mess around and just slaughter people? Or in a tough fight and you don't want to turn God Mode on? Well this Mod adds Overpowered Versions of every Regular Skyrim Weapons (NOT DLC but they are coming in future).

  1. Skyrim Flaming Sword Mod

2768d agoto ppl keep saying that these high powered weapons kill the game:I say that is your opinion. This game is meant to be played differently by each person. So each choice is relative to the individual playing it.

I went for the best gear right way via smithing/enchanting and I don't regret it. It's not like I command consoled it. I actually labored through the ridiculous amount of daggers and such that I had to run around and make, felt like work actually, but the end justified the means, for me, and I'm having a blast playing the game STILL.


Skyrim Flaming Sword Mod

2768d ago (Edited 2768d ago )I'm not sure about this. Something about it says modded PC weapons are being created.I don't know. So far I only have 1 character and it's pretty much all Mage. I only have 2 swords in my inventory DragonBane and a Dwarven Sword of Animus to get souls. (just hit them and then I switch back to my spells)but I did notice something last night.I just got the Radiant Destruction Spell. And you learn Firestorm as the Master Spell. And after the quest completes Faralda @ the College will have 2 new tomes for sale.

Blizzard and Lightning Storm.well I bought Lightning Storm cuz I ain't really messing with Ice spells.anyway to my point. FireStorm - Master Spell - Costs like 360 Magicka on my dude. Lightning Storm - also Master Spell - Costs around 34.Thunderbolt which is a Expert Destruction Spell costs 94 each time on my dude. It's strange as hellI have a Master Spell that costs less to cast then some Expert, Adept, and Apprentice spells I have. It doesn't make sense, but I'm loving it. 2768d agoSimple Step by Step Directions1. Once you have max perks and 100 in each skill.2.

Enchant fortify alchemy helm, ring, gloves + necklace. The buff should be +25 on each for + 100 total.3. Put on the gear and make 4 fortify enchant potions (+ 27ish?)4. Use those potions to make better fortify alchemy gear. You have to be quick because you only have 30 seconds per potion.5.

Use that gear to make better fortify enchanting potions.6. Keep repeating 4 - 5 until you can make fortify alchemy + 29 on each piece (116 total)7. Use 4 +32 enchanting pots to create fortify smithing rings, neck, gloves and chest.8.


Make some fortify smithing potions (+130% with your alchemy gear)9. Craft daedric armor, shield and weapon.10. Put on your smithing gear, drink the potion (130 + 116 = +246% to smithing), then improve your weapons.11. Make about 10 enchanting potions (+32)12.

Enchant a ring gloves and neck with fortify heavy armor and fortify one handed. I believe the number was 29 for armor 47% for weapon? Not in front of computer.13. Enchant health / heavy armor to chest.14. Enchant one handed / stamina to boots.15. Enchant helm with whatever you want.

Magic?)I honestly didn't take it that far or even think of that until I discovered I could mess with alchemy potions, but by that time I had already had my smitthing and enchant maxed out and made my smithing gear. Honestly it was tedious and the process above is insanely more tedious lol no way i'm doing all that at this point, but more power to those who choose to.

That is the beauty that is skyrim.