Black Desert Dp Vs Damage Reduction

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Hi guys,I'm here today to sell you the best class ingame. Don't listen to the witches they just play them for the. Nice personality.First let's establish that in the world of Black desert there are no classic healer, dps and tank classes.

  1. Black Desert Dp Vs Damage Reduction Reviews

You can say some are tankier but overall all classes are damage dealers.This is where the Wizard comes in. Not only he's has massive aoe damage but he also has 1 small aoe heal, 1 large aoe heal and 2 aoe buffs! Are you referring to the mini block it gets backing up? Cause thats super weak. It doesnt provide any defensive bonus like the witch block does just mitigates incomming damage? Unless its different now. I havent played much since right after the nerf spree last year.For me the female sounds are the main reason i prefer them.

Something about the dang male grunting every move makes it undesirable lmao.The backing-up Block is not so weak at all, it however depends on your overall DP. It can mitigate rogue CC and should certainly not be underestimated. You also get Block by changing weapons so that's already 2 means of Blocking Ranged CC without having Block skill.You know what essential, awesome, groundbreaking other skill Wiz gets for exchange? Which is pretty much the BEST CC you can get nowadays. Are you referring to the mini block it gets backing up? Cause thats super weak. It doesnt provide any defensive bonus like the witch block does just mitigates incomming damage?

Black Desert Dp Vs Damage Reduction Reviews

This is how useless DP is at top end content against 250+ ap players 320 damage reduction + villa buff (10 damage reduction) + steel defense elixir + block (20 dp) + 8 dr protection stone = get. / by Black Desert Hello Adventurers! The new ‘Black Spirit’s Gift II’ quests are there to help beginners. Black Spirit will reward equipment to Adventurers, starting from armor and all the way up to awakening weapons. DP: 2 -Damage Reduction: 2.

Unless its different now. I havent played much since right after the nerf spree last year.There are many classes with a block that doesnt provide a DP bonus. But still the strength of any block is based off your Damage Reduction.Witch does not get a DP/DR bonus from her block. Its only a 5 second resistance buff which does not contribute to the strength of the block at all.Edited January 22 by Kasai. Both of which dont give you anywhere near the mitigation a block does. If you compare it to just standing still of course its not weak.

Compared to every other hard block in the game, witch included its very weak.If you think you will be tanking any damage as a Witch you will be unfortunately surprised. When you are Blocking, you are essentially just standing still, giving anyone opportunity to break your Block, CC you and kill you. I don't believe i've even seen many Witches ever Blocking, it's much more convenient to just be attacking - You are ranged Class, if you are too Close you can always TP as standing close to anyone who's not CCd results in quick death. If you are far then you cast and not just stand still.The only worthwhile use of Block is kinda just filler between your ranged CC / DPS and that you can easily do by back-pedaling. Not trying to discourage you, just GRAB 1000x better than another Block.

3Low-level armor with reduced defense in return for better flexibility. Mostly worn by nobles.This item is part of an armor set (from top to bottom):. Talis Armor.How to obtainDropped by: IconNameChance2%3%10%7%15%3%2%3%1.5%—————————————————————————————————————————————————Product of design:You can craft your own with the following ingredients:.


7. 3. 10. 3—————————————————————————————————————————————————Sold by:You can purchase Talis Armor from the following NPCs:.—————————————————————————————————————————————————Quests: IconQuestLevelAreaReward.