Doom 3 Gore Mod

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Author Topic: What's the best implementation of gore in a Doom 3 mod to date? (Read 234 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. A massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the Union Aerospace Corporation's (UAC) Mars Research Facility, leaving only chaos and horror in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, you must fight your way to hell and back against a horde of evil monsters. After playing DOOM 4 and Brutal DOOM, I just find the lack of gore in the game annoying. What the game sees as gore is punching a dead body and seeing it dissolve into bones. I've looked it up, and the most I can find for a gore mod is a mod that makes the bodies stay on the ground after death.

////DBT ANNOUNCEMENT////Hello everyone.Sorry I havent been very active over here, but I've been focusing all my modding attention on my other project, and probably will continue that way for quite a while. Overall, I think I've given all I could give to D4D in terms of it's direction. It's no secret that my other project is very similar to this one; but it has completely different aims on many things, and that's the path I want to continue exploring. Because of that I've neglected D4D a lot, and due to some stuff that will be happening in RL in the upcoming year, I just know I wont have enough time to keep this particular 'high-profile' mod updated or in a healthy state.Considering all that, Im leaving this project, and it stays in the hands of the other devs.

This is a little program to create a Doom 2016 music randomizer to use with D4D. You must already own the OST.Q: What is this?A: It's a program to easily create a PK3 with Doom4 music that you can run alongD4D.Q: Does it have the Doom 4 music?A: No. You have to own the Doom OST already. This program includes NO MUSIC at all.Q: How do I use it?A: Okay, here's a step by step:1. Unpack the.rar into a new folder.2. Put all the OST tracks you want to be playing in game, inside the folder'Please Put Your Music Here, Thank You!!!'

Run '2music3pk.exe'4. Copy the generated d4dMusic.pk3 into your D4D folder.5.a Run the 'D4D DragAndDrop.bat'5.b Add the d4dMusic.pk3 to your launcher or command line with which you launchD4D normally.Q: My antivirus blocked it / says it's suspicious / says it's got viruses!A: Yes, many antiviruses will detect it as being potentially malicious. It's not.We are not here to mess with players; no harmful code was added, but we takeno resposibility for the use of it.If your antivirus will not let it run, you must deactivate it temporarily;after the D4Dmus.pk3 has been made, you can reactivate your AV. As notedin the header, DO NOT RUN THIS PROGRAM if you didn't get it from DBT'smodDB page.Q: Is this for doom 1, doom 2, and will it work in custom mapsets?A: It will run with anything you throw it in with. What this does, is to playrandomly one of the tracks you supplied into a map. Each map will playa different track. If you have more tracks than maps, it will startrepeating songs.Q: It wont run in my machine because I have a 32bit OS!A: Sorry, it's for 64bit only ATM.

We're looking how to get it for 32bit too!Download link:////. IMPORTANT INFO!.USE GZDoom 2.2.0, NOT DEVBUILDS! THEY MESS UP STUFF!This mod uses a whole bunch of custom options. It's highly recommended to install this is a fresh folder, since this mod is gonna work a lot with custom bindings which might not play along nicely with the regular bindings in other modsHUGE LETTERS BECAUSE PEOPLE IGNORE THE DOCUMENTATIONQ.

Can I run it with brutal doom?A. 'Brutal doom' and 'Doom(4) for Doom' are both gameplay mods that cannot be stacked on top of each other. Same goes for any gameplay mod.Nor should you add other gameplay mods, like monster randomizers or Qtilt.

If you add custom monsters on top of this, you'll get almost no credits (currency), special effects (stun and whatnot) and special rewards. If you add Qtilt, footsteps and whatnot, it will break several of the D4D effects. YOU MUST BIND YOUR D4D KEYS: There's quite a few. Go under Options - D4D mod options - Customize Keybinds. Remember you can always exit a demon morph at any time by pressing the 'mod switch' key. For better view of the D4 reticles, disable your standard crosshair. There's an entire file with information of what does each D4D option does.

READ IT!. You can switch to standard doom monsters instead of the custom D4D ones. Go to Options - D4D mod options - Monster type to change it.

This mod is NOT easy. Ultra violence i s Ultra violence despite looking like it's in place of 'Normal'. The next skills are harder, for real. Dont come to complain 'Nightmare is too hard'. For the love of god. After buying a weapon mod, make sure to equip it!////. Downloads.In order to play D4D you need 3 things: The D4D mod.

Your doom(1 or 2) '.wad' file.USE GZDoom 2.2.0, NOT DEVBUILDS! THEY MESS UP STUFF!. Download D4D v2.0.3. If it asks you to sign in to download, just select another mirror. We have no control over this. Download Gzdoom. Optional: Proj2Mus3pk; Create a music randomizer with your 'Doom Original Game Soundtrack' to play D4's tunes while you kill in D4D.

Donwload//.// Addons for v2.0.3//.//.// Old D4D. Code:. Neccronixis: Creator of all the Doom 4 weapon sprites &doomdoll pickup and animation.DBThanatos: Project idea and direction. Import, offseting,renaming all of Neccronixis' weapon sprites.Edited all muzleflash sprites from the weapons.Created base functional code of all weapons.Doom4 sound ripping, conversion and processing.Created voxels for: ammo pickups, health pickups,armor pickups, chaingun pickup and it's holographversion, all holo system mod/upgrades and cursor.Created sprites for all voxels DBT made.Coding and adding all decals for monsters andweapons.

Coded all monsters. Menugraphics and design.

Implementation of DoomDolland grenade system. 'Roach' monster recolor (whichwas used as D4D imp). Game balance.Resource gatherer and organizer.Final polishing of visual effects.Major Cooke: Design, creation and implementation of the 'Holoupgrade system'. General overhaul of the weaponcode to enable 'hold altfire to ready mod'. Creatorof the BFG tracers and electric effects.

Creatorof almost all particle effects, including bullettracers, pickup trails and just about every singlefancy particle system found in here. Finetunningmost of the DECORATE code. Deprecation of manyACS based systems and ported them to DECORATE.Implementation of 'Double Double Trouble Trouble'(double supershotgun) via overlays. Behavior andvisual effects of syphon grenade explosion. Coderfor spawned Holo-player.

Doom Mods Download

Developed and implementedHalf Life-like laser for Gauss Cannon, StaticRifle and many more. Created the Carrion Cannon.General DECORATE & ZScript mastermind.Michaelis: Ripping, conversion and processing of graphics forthe Heads Up Display. Implementation of reticlesspecific to each weapon, including the charginganimations. Rip/processing/implementation of bloodelements in the hud (along with cacodemon HUD hits).Implementation of multi jump and ledge grabbing.Added powerups and situation-aware crates.General SBARINFO & ACS mastermind.ZZYZX: Making shaders for glory kill effect, shaders forholographic effect. Current internal dev working ontop secret stuff. Special Credits.Roxas: Creator of the weapon voxels minus the 'chaingun'.Teaching me how to do voxels from scratch.Xaser: Assistance to create the Titlemap. General advisor.Fine tunning of weapon animations.HorrorMovieGuy: Doom 64 pinky with clasic doom's color pallete, glorykill base systemThe Zombie Killer: Footsteps scripting system & sounds.BeardedDoomGuy: Creating the 'Demon tears mug' image.Zanieon: Bullet tracer model & texture, 1st iteration of baronsounds.

Baron of Hell and Hell Knight sprites.Phobos867: D4 imp sprite, modified from the 'roach' monster andcacodemon spriteMW-21: Sound contributions for Archvile and Arachnotron. Other credits.Amuscaria: Monster sprites for Arachnotron, Archvile, HellMancubus, Baron of Hell, Pain Elemental. Doom(4) for Doom / D4DFrequently Asked QuestionsQ. What is this?A. 'Doom(4) for Doom' (D4D) is a gameplay mod that brings the Doom 2016 weapons into the classic Doom maps via GZdoom.

It also brings some similar monster minus the dynamic AI and mobility.Q. What to expect?A. The mod tries to bring the weapons as accurately as possible in looks, behavior and timings. However, we also took some liberties regarding some behaviors and balance.

For example, the 'Double Trouble' super shotgun, when ported in here became extremely overpowered, so we completely reworked it. Another instance is the 'Gatling Rotator' mod for the chaingun, which makes it now fire explosive rounds.Q.

Does it include every single weapon in Doom4 including the multiplayer weapons?A. Not every single one of them. All the single player weapons are there, and most of the multiplayer ones. Not the latest 'the reaper' one, since that's just too new.Q. Do the single player weapons have all the mods and upgrades?A. Upgrades: no.In D4D all moddable weapons have their respective mods, but once acquired, they dont have 'upgrades'.

All mods are in a fixed upgrade state compared to doom4. When you get 'Micro Missiles' for the HAR, they will be 'Bottomless' already. Another example, the 'Lock on' Rocket Launcher mod, when acquired, will not have the multiple targets upgrade, instead, it stays the way it is when picked.The Super Shotgun and the MP weapons, since they dont have mods, they do have a few upgrades you can buy to enhance it.Q. Can I run it with brutal doom?A.

'Brutal doom' and 'Doom(4) for Doom' are both gameplay mods that cannot be stacked on top of each other. Same goes for any gameplay mod.Q. Can I run it with enhancement packs (high res textures, custom decorations, terrain packs)?A. Most cases: yes. If the pack in question doesnt alter gameplay or alter monster looks/behaviour, it should run fine along D4D. However, if the pack defines it's custom monsters to add extra gore, effects, etc, it's very likely that it will end up messing D4D.Q. Can I run this in Zandronum and/or multiplaer?A.

This mod is specifically designed for GZdoom since it uses really new features of the engine. If Zandronum catches with the GZDoom development, it could be playable in single player. Multiplayer is not currently supported and will probably glitch out if attempted.Q. Does this mod have 'ledge grabbing' and 'glory kills'?A. What about double jump?A. It's there, but it's completely optional and can be turned on/off at any moment.Q.

Are the custom monsters a separate addon?A. They are part of the core D4D.

However, you can select the option to play with classic doom(2) monsters instead of D4D's. The classic monsters have zero changes regarding behaviour/damage/balance compared to the originals. They do, however, have slightly updated visual effects.

Keep in mind that the classic Doom monsters tend to be easier to deal with than theor D4D counterparts.Q. Are the skill levels untouched?A. D4D has new skill levels. In general, it makes the game harder, and Ultra violence remains ultraviolence despite being higher up in the list of skills. The skills below that one are way harder and are not recommended for players that don't like challenges. Keep in mind however, that you can select easier skills or as mentioned above, use the classic doom monsters to play a difficulty combination that fits better you style.Q.

Do weapons have reload?A. They didn't have reload in Doom4. They don't here.Q. Will you add maps?A. I cant map myself.

But if anyone wants to give this a go, he/she will be welcome aboard! Reminiscent of the doom3 weapons mod for zdoom. Well its the same kinda thing aint it? Love the implementation and the use of Neccronixis's spritework.its visually a fair balance of the classic doom meets the hardcoreness of doom4.edit.

it is, however, sorely needing a gore mod with this. I'm no fan of brutal doom but its got to have a bit of goreno in there for the doom4yness factor.feel free to use the monstas8.pk3 from my oldskool mod as a base. I'll enjoy seeing it when its all done.this NEEDS to tried on btsx. Joined: 07 Feb 2011. BlueDragoon97 wrote:This looks good, but you should take it a step (or two) further. What this needs is not just DOOM 4 weapons, but enemy sprites, music, and maybe even a map pack. Seriously, that would be 'devilishly clever' (.walks over to corner and assumes fetal position.).NO BLOODY WAYThis would be better if you could play it with the maps you like.

Also, new monsters could break a lot of mods that add new monsters.I HATE WEAPON MODS THAT HAVE THEIR OWN LEVELS OR CUSTOM MONSTERS A faggot that likes the classic Doom. Joined: 11 Mar 2016 Location: Faggot-cave. Osjclatchford wrote: love the implementation and the use of Neccronixis's spritework.its visually a fair balance of the classic doom meets the hardcoreness of doom4.edit. it is, however, sorely needing a gore mod with this. I'm no fan of brutal doom but its got to have a bit of goreno in there for the doom4yness factor.feel free to use the monstas8.pk3 from my oldskool mod as a base.

I'll enjoy seeing it when its all done.this NEEDS to tried on btsx.Well, it will have improved gore. This is just a quick teaser of the WIP weapons.

Many dont even have the alt fires implemented. Currently, only the pistol and shotgun have them.


Doom 3 Gore Mod Map

All the rest are missing. I will indeed add extra gore. Not BD levels of gore, but enough to satisfy my needs Can you possibly link me to your mod to check it out? BlueDragoon97 wrote:This looks good, but you should take it a step (or two) further.

What this needs is not just DOOM 4 weapons, but enemy sprites, music, and maybe even a map pack. Seriously, that would be 'devilishly clever' (.walks over to corner and assumes fetal position.).As per my customs, I will indeed add some extra visual effects overall to the monsters and whatnot. Music, if only for the titlemap.

That's beyond me. I am not a mapper so I cant do this myself.Now if someone wants to make a mapset for this.

Feel free to contact me.

I too agree, I haven't been able to get into the old doom games (mainly as I feel like the time has past and they are horribly outdated). I like Doom being a slower paced horror game. Maybe it's because we don't get horror games that much anymore, but there were moments in D3 that almost made me crap my pants. I want Doom 4 to be a horror genre FPS. I tried Doom 1 and 2 but they just lack so much now, it's not like when I went and played Final Fantasy 6 in 2013 on my Vita, that game has story and combat still being good in this day, but Doom just feels so ancient compared to Doom 3 in terms of gameplay.I loved Doom 3, I want more of it. Doom 3 sucked.Lets take fun ass doom and make it this slow, boring corridor crawl with fucking key hunts like it's some ghetto system shock.

The encounter design and pacing in that game is atrocious.So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see. Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were. They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad. Casual gaming ruins gaming.

Doom 3 sucked.Lets take fun ass doom and make it this slow, boring corridor crawl with fucking key hunts like it's some ghetto system shock. The encounter design and pacing in that game is atrocious.So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see. Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were. They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad. Casual gaming ruins gaming.100% agreed my friend.Why can't people like @clone01 become real hardcores. So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see. Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were.

They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad. Casual gaming ruins gaming.Painkiller was actually fun as hell.That being said, I don't think there was anything particularly wrong with more horror based games with a slower gameplay. I just didn't really want Doom 3 to be that kind of game.There's room for all sorts of games.

There's room for darker scarier slower paced games, and there's room for mindless shoot-em-ups. Nothing wrong with liking a certain type of game, but once a franchise is established then it's understandable that people get a little annoyed when the developers stray too far from what made that franchise popular in the first place. Doom 3 wasn't bad, but it didn't really feel that much like a Doom game. I mean, come on, there's no reason that Doom 3 couldn't have been an original property that isn't chained to Doom's baggage. If it had been a new property, then it probably would have been better-received. But it's pretty clear that the only reason it was a Doom game was to capitalize on the previous success of the Doom series. If the developers are gonna exploit fan expectations in order to help sell the game, then it's fair for fans to judge the game harshly when it doesn't live up to those expectations.

If the game isn't gonna feel like a Doom game, then why even make it a Doom game in the first place?And don't say because of the story. Doom 3's story is just about as worthless as the stories in Doom or Doom 2. I'm not really gonna complain about Doom 3's story.I never expected a good story out of a Doom game in the first place, so the lack of a compelling story is fine by me. I'm just saying that the story is so worthless that it's not something that was begging to be told.

So there's really no reason that game needed to be tied to the Doom franchise at all, other than for purposes of brand recognition. So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see. Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were. They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad. Casual gaming ruins gaming.Painkiller was actually fun as hell.That being said, I don't think there was anything particularly wrong with more horror based games with a slower gameplay.

I just didn't really want Doom 3 to be that kind of game.There's room for all sorts of games. There's room for darker scarier slower paced games, and there's room for mindless shoot-em-ups. Nothing wrong with liking a certain type of game, but once a franchise is established then it's understandable that people get a little annoyed when the developers stray too far from what made that franchise popular in the first place. Doom 3 wasn't bad, but it didn't really feel that much like a Doom game. I mean, come on, there's no reason that Doom 3 couldn't have been an original property that isn't chained to Doom's baggage. If it had been a new property, then it probably would have been better-received.

But it's pretty clear that the only reason it was a Doom game was to capitalize on the previous success of the Doom series. If the developers are gonna exploit fan expectations in order to help sell the game, then it's fair for fans to judge the game harshly when it doesn't live up to those expectations. If the game isn't gonna feel like a Doom game, then why even make it a Doom game in the first place?And don't say because of the story. Doom 3's story is just about as worthless as the stories in Doom or Doom 2. I'm not really gonna complain about Doom 3's story.I never expected a good story out of a Doom game in the first place, so the lack of a compelling story is fine by me. I'm just saying that the story is so worthless that it's not something that was begging to be told.

So there's really no reason that game needed to be tied to the Doom franchise at all, other than for purposes of brand recognition.You FUCKING NOOB AND CASUAL GAMER.DOOM - HELL GATE OPENS, DEMON COMES OUT AND TURNS ALL HUMANS INTO ZOMBIE. HOW THIS CAN BE ACTION GAME?If we used your logic, then Terminator and Terminator 2 movies were PG-13. Also all old classic movies that were violent and had blood are now rated PG-13.Painkiller was shitty game. Worst shitty game ever.

Just large map with random AI enemies. Doom 3 sucked.Lets take fun ass doom and make it this slow, boring corridor crawl with fucking key hunts like it's some ghetto system shock. The encounter design and pacing in that game is atrocious.So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see.

Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were. They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad.

Casual gaming ruins gaming.If you find a slow, mind numbing corridor crawl against a handful of enemies, where there is more than an abundance of ammo with lame key hunts 'scary' or 'challenging' it's because you are in fact trash at video games. I however do not suffer from sucking at video games enough to be impressed by something as lame as Doom 3.Doom 2 and Painkiller during their worst segments clown Doom 3.If I want something genuinely unsettling and deserving of a slow burn approach I'll go to Cryostasis and its broken aspects before I'd give Doom 3 another spin. As a standalone game it's decent. Amazing graphics and atmosphere, solid shooting, pretty linear and relying on jump scares a bit too much. 7/10 at the worst.As a sequel to Doom 2 it's terrible. Linear, 'scary', small corridors, and you always fought tiny amounts of enemies. 5/10, what the hell ID.It's Doom 3, not some new IP.

It had a name to live up to and it missed the mark by a mile.Doom 3 was the first Doom game I play on Xbox and I didn't have a PC at the time. Doom 3 was really good, compare to Dead Space but the only thing I remember everyone hated that game was the flashlight switch to weapons is all I remember. Never bother me with the flashlight switch but the the game had so many Imps and playing it on Xbox at the time had great graphics and I never got the chance to play the 360 HD. As a standalone game it's decent. Amazing graphics and atmosphere, solid shooting, pretty linear and relying on jump scares a bit too much.

7/10 at the worst.As a sequel to Doom 2 it's terrible. Linear, 'scary', small corridors, and you always fought tiny amounts of enemies. 5/10, what the hell ID.It's Doom 3, not some new IP.

It had a name to live up to and it missed the mark by a mile.Doom 3 was the first Doom game I play on Xbox and I didn't have a PC at the time. Doom 3 was really good, compare to Dead Space but the only thing I remember everyone hated that game was the flashlight switch to weapons is all I remember. Never bother me with the flashlight switch but the the game had so many Imps and playing it on Xbox at the time had great graphics and I never got the chance to play the 360 HD.Why complain about flashlight switch? Clearly it would be another casual choice when gun and flashlight works toghter. Seperated is better and more realistic. Noobs are scared of night. As a standalone game it's decent.

Amazing graphics and atmosphere, solid shooting, pretty linear and relying on jump scares a bit too much. 7/10 at the worst.As a sequel to Doom 2 it's terrible. Linear, 'scary', small corridors, and you always fought tiny amounts of enemies. 5/10, what the hell ID.It's Doom 3, not some new IP. It had a name to live up to and it missed the mark by a mile.Doom 3 was the first Doom game I play on Xbox and I didn't have a PC at the time. Doom 3 was really good, compare to Dead Space but the only thing I remember everyone hated that game was the flashlight switch to weapons is all I remember.

Never bother me with the flashlight switch but the the game had so many Imps and playing it on Xbox at the time had great graphics and I never got the chance to play the 360 HD.Why complain about flashlight switch? Clearly it would be another casual choice when gun and flashlight works toghter. Seperated is better and more realistic. Noobs are scared of nightIt is illogical not having the ability to shoot with the flashlight on. Maybe restrict aim a bit or limit the weapon to pistol or let the player know they need to find some adhesive to use the light with a heavier gun, i don't know.doesn't make sense why the heck would a trained soldier shoot in the dark. Seriously, anyone on the fence should give Doom3 BFG a try. Even the dated, early bump/map look to everything is pulled off quite well in this one (especially considering it started that look).

Its very charming and distinct.Everything looks rock solid and super crystal clear, without 'next gen' bullshit wow-effects and crap all over the place.what platforms is this available on?PC-STEAM/360/PS3All versions include DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM 3, and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil, and The Lost Mission. Seriously, anyone on the fence should give Doom3 BFG a try. Even the dated, early bump/map look to everything is pulled off quite well in this one (especially considering it started that look). So you prefer this:You want game that is not scary but what is casual, has unlimited ammo, fast gameplay, no story and just shoot everything you see. Thats what Doom 1 and Doom 2 were.

They were like Painkiller and Quake games.I want horror, dark as possible, scary, hardcore but you want action, casual and easy and bright.Sad. Casual gaming ruins gaming.Painkiller was actually fun as hell.That being said, I don't think there was anything particularly wrong with more horror based games with a slower gameplay. I just didn't really want Doom 3 to be that kind of game.There's room for all sorts of games.

There's room for darker scarier slower paced games, and there's room for mindless shoot-em-ups. Nothing wrong with liking a certain type of game, but once a franchise is established then it's understandable that people get a little annoyed when the developers stray too far from what made that franchise popular in the first place. Doom 3 wasn't bad, but it didn't really feel that much like a Doom game. I mean, come on, there's no reason that Doom 3 couldn't have been an original property that isn't chained to Doom's baggage.

If it had been a new property, then it probably would have been better-received. But it's pretty clear that the only reason it was a Doom game was to capitalize on the previous success of the Doom series. If the developers are gonna exploit fan expectations in order to help sell the game, then it's fair for fans to judge the game harshly when it doesn't live up to those expectations. If the game isn't gonna feel like a Doom game, then why even make it a Doom game in the first place?And don't say because of the story. Doom 3's story is just about as worthless as the stories in Doom or Doom 2.

I'm not really gonna complain about Doom 3's story.I never expected a good story out of a Doom game in the first place, so the lack of a compelling story is fine by me. I'm just saying that the story is so worthless that it's not something that was begging to be told.

So there's really no reason that game needed to be tied to the Doom franchise at all, other than for purposes of brand recognition.You FUCKING NOOB AND CASUAL GAMER.DOOM - HELL GATE OPENS, DEMON COMES OUT AND TURNS ALL HUMANS INTO ZOMBIE. HOW THIS CAN BE ACTION GAME?If we used your logic, then Terminator and Terminator 2 movies were PG-13. Also all old classic movies that were violent and had blood are now rated PG-13.Painkiller was shitty game. Worst shitty game ever. Just large map with random AI enemies. This sucks.Please,stop posting already. As a standalone game it's decent.

Amazing graphics and atmosphere, solid shooting, pretty linear and relying on jump scares a bit too much. 7/10 at the worst.As a sequel to Doom 2 it's terrible. Linear, 'scary', small corridors, and you always fought tiny amounts of enemies. 5/10, what the hell ID.It's Doom 3, not some new IP. It had a name to live up to and it missed the mark by a mile.Doom 3 was the first Doom game I play on Xbox and I didn't have a PC at the time. Doom 3 was really good, compare to Dead Space but the only thing I remember everyone hated that game was the flashlight switch to weapons is all I remember. Never bother me with the flashlight switch but the the game had so many Imps and playing it on Xbox at the time had great graphics and I never got the chance to play the 360 HD.Why complain about flashlight switch?

Clearly it would be another casual choice when gun and flashlight works toghter. Seperated is better and more realistic. Noobs are scared of nightUnrealistic? Real life begs to differ.Cheap. Even civilians own them and slap them on their rifles for fun.