Gta Vice City First Person Mod

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GUISome GUI will come in the new patch for everyone to test out to see how it feels with your lag and stuff like that. Nothing too big, but it's a good experiment. I am getting bored of scripting other stuff, it's time we get some GUI scripting in here as well.Got any GUI ideas to suggest? Feel free to do so.Future scriptsApart from GUI I have looked at what you guys actually like to do around the server, which scripts are used and which are not.

Jul 22, 2017 - Re: Gta Vice City First Person Mod. Post by HuNTeR^ on Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:38 pm. HuNTeR^: Epic Member Epic Member: Posts: 729. GTA Vice City 2 Season 3 is a mod for the game GTA San Andreas, developed by ModderFunnyteam, which deals with game design, film and photo editing. Vice City is a representation of Miami, Florida. GameplayeditVice City Stories is structured similarly to other releases from the Grand Theft Auto series.

I have scripted this story thing for a long time, it's time for something else to get some extra time. Hopefully, you'll guys enjoy the scripts I have coming.

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The wod story is fine and all, but I think I am done with jobs for a while now at least.Either way the things I am scripting feel fun to me right now and different, so hopefully you guys will feel the same.SuggestionsI always look at suggestions and try to get as many as I can done, but some of them aren't really needed to 100% and takes a lot time, which is why I : 23. Delayed patchThe newest patch is finished but needs to be tested. Unfortunately, I don't want to rush it so I have decided to release it next weekend instead.It has a few suggestions implemented and a few improvements, but it's mostly adding content to wod and this will be the final content to complete wod.After that I'll only add a few questlines here and there when I get ideas, but I will mostly focus on other ideas + suggestions.Those who are doing wod currently hopefully has many missions left to finish until then.

Next patch you will be able to do the last 4 missions in the story + continue with David Davis (you'll get about 20 more missions with him, then be able to replay them, with all new dialogues for each one)Future ContentI don't know how long we will be here for, but what's fun for me is to script challenging and fun things. I've almost had my fun now with this story that has been going on for years. It is my goal at least for myself to bring that story to : 14.

Patch 4.8.2Will be out on or before April 7th, unless something changes. It will be a minor patch that includes some suggestion, but not all suggestions. It will also add some updates to /wod, which is technically not finished yet.FutureI am sorry to everyone for focusing so much on /wod especially to those who don't care for it and want other updates.

But I want you all to quickly know that /wod is part of the story and /wod is very huge and will most likely be my final big job because I can just keep adding more questlines to /wod. Wod is also the last part before bod 2, which is not something I am going to stress about but I am going to release it this year hopefully. After that our story is finished. But more importantly once I am finished with a few small patches here and there I will be able to focus my attention 80% on suggestions, improvements and new cool ideas from you guys. I am also already now reading most of your suggestions and will have some finished by the next : 10. Just my normal rant. You can skip to the release date section if you're too lazy to read.Currently going onAs many of you guys know I am currently doing my thesis and is pretty much busy with that.

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I work with it on weekdays and then on the server on weekends + try to relax a little.Been so long since I've actually been able to play something. I hope I'll be able to come in-game soon and see you all.Problem with scriptingI seem to always scripts thing that are bigger and bigger for every patch when it comes to content, when I know you guys prefer simple stuff too. /wod my biggest script job script so far is coming after me working on it for about 4 months or more. I need to really stop with these script and try to release a few jobs/scripts at a time instead.

But unfortunately, I always get stuck in something big. I hope that after this patch I will stop scripting huge things that are released in one go and be able to do a few every 2 weeks or 1 month that I : 14. Rel006 releaseIt's possible I will release rel006 this weekend. Please note though:1.

I will not be able to release a full patch at the same time as it. It is however possible that I can edit the old file I uploaded and change it a little so there is a joining message explaining.2. There will be one bug in it and that will be that when you join /onehitkill and other minigames with a score list you will not be able to see the updated version until you make a kill. This was a simple bug I fixed in the next patch and that patch is not ready if I release it this weekend. I might just fix the bug again in the current version since I don't think it was that difficult.3.

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I need to rename the file name for some custom weapons because their names are actually causing the vcmp anti hack system to kick a person as soon as they use the weapon. It shouldn't take so long and I have checked so rel003 isn't affected by the name change. You will however be required to download maybe 5-8 : 15. Staff UpdateA huge staff update is coming from all different levels. It's the same one we do every year and we're gonna post it before the end of December. It will hopefully change up quite a few things.Rel006 final stepThe final step of rel006 is here:If you're lazy please just join the server and play a little. Tell me if anything is wrong.

It really hurts to see everyone just ignore it. It's important it gets tested on as many computers as possible.Rule suggestion sectionStaff issuesSome of the staff members claim that I don't listen and ignore suggestions. Some things I would like to clear up:1. The rules are law we have to do what they say even if they are stupid. If someone abuses the rules we have to suggest a change and pass that change. You have all brought forward suggestions in the past to fix things but it's hard : 11.

Patch 4.7I made a promise that I will provide you guys with two more patches before the end of the year and Intend to do so with patch 4.7 coming out. I know my promises don't mean much because I can never keep them, but I am going to release a patch before the 16h of December, that marks about 2 months since the last patch.

There is a big chance the patch will come in a few days if I decide that it is impossible for me to release /wod (basically a job that is 4-5 times bigger than the usual jobs) in a finished state. Even if I don't release /wod you guys will get other stuff that is hopefully worthy of a patch update. I've added quite a few other things that I think will make the gameplay more fun in the next patch regardless if /wod gets finished or not.So why has this patch taken so long?

Well technically, if you look at our history there are quite a few periods where a patch is released 2 months after the previous one. However, I've wasted about half of my time since october : 17. About scripting in generalThe scripts have to become better and newer for each patch I make. The problem is that I don't want to add another delivery job that will just be the same as the garbage man and pizza boy job.

I have to come up with newer and cooler ideas. It's been a busy month for me and I haven't had the energy to script quite that much.

I have however been doing quite a few suggestions you guys have been asking for, for a while.That's why I wanted to make this topic to briefly talk to you.Planned patchesI have 3 patches that is coming up in the future that I have already planned for. Desmond, BOD 2 and the whole story thing will be wrapped up within 3 big patches, together with of course other content.The next patch might be 1 of those three, but that's why I am here to write this topic. I've implemented a lot of suggestions you guys can have use for. If I were to divide my scripting job it's suggestions and my own big script of the patch. There has : 23. Rel006I've mentioned this in many replies, but I don't think I've mentioned it in a news update.

All optimizations I wanted to finish for since the last public beta has been finished. I've improved the relative resizing as well as making the text more readable.What stands between us and a rel006 release? I'll try to explain the best way I can, scripting wise from my side nothing I mean I can add GUI at more places, but the script is ready for a release. So what's the thing stopping it?

Good old VC-MP. There is a bug in VC-MP that is only present in VK that other servers have simply been able to avoid, but we can't (as far as I know). That bug is with the download rate increasing when you're unspawned. What does that mean? More internet usage, possibly a lot of lag for people with poor PCs. What's causing this?

Gta Vice City First Person Mod

When you're unspawned and in selfie mode (F11) there is a camera that looks at your character. For some reason, if that camera is in a certain area your lag : 31.

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