Trem Block Mim Stratocaster

Posted on by admin
  1. Mim Stratocaster Specs

I bought an MIM strat recently and wonder what folks recommend for trem blocking. If some provide better sustain than others, I'd like to know about that. Is a combo bridge with trem block better than using my original bridge and a new trem block? How do extra springs figure into the equation? Nov 27, 2008  I'm going to upgrade the trem block on my '04' MIM Standard Strat. With a block from Callaham. Which arm configuration is better, the standard thread, or the virtual 'pop in' style? I'm looking at the virtual 'pop in' with the short Gilmour arm. Has anyone tried this configuration?


For those of you who have been waiting for these- Told ya we'd do it!!A real SOLID STEEL tremolo block with vintage-correct dimensions- BUT. Fits the thin, cheesy 'Made in China' and all of the various Indonesian, Korean and junky asian trems. This also matches the hole patterns on the famous 'Made in Mexico' trem- but on about 50% of the MIM trems out there the tremolo hole spacing of off a little- So check your trem- If the trem arm hole is just a touch CLOSER to the strings than the three mounting holes- this will fit- If it's a touch FURTHER from the strings than the three mounting holes- you will need to purchase our full Steel Block import trem kit- Yes it fits your guitar- Yes you can reuse your six 'Fender®' stamped saddles!Why bother replacing your block?? As you can see from the photo- the stock block on all of the imports is a thin, lightweight Zinc trem block with very, very little mass.In addition they use a fatter trem arm thread- not like the old fashioned trems- so the whole balance and feel is off.

To make matters even worse the ball ends of the strings sit right up top of the block, close to the trem plate- That means almost none of the string vibration is channeled through the block, resulting in thin, weak tone and terrible sustain.The GFS block is made from REAL Solid steel- Lead-free ROHS compliant steel- When you bang it with a screwdriver it goes 'PING' and not 'thunk.' The ball ends sit close to the BOTTOM of the block just like my 63, and it ONLY takes a USA standard 10-32 thread trem arm. (Sorry, your Chinese arm WILL NOT FIT)The result is a total transformation of your guitar for UNDER TWENTY BUCKS!! Sustain is increased noticeably, tone is like NIGHT AND DAY, even tuning stability is just a hair better. You can't NOT buy this!!Look- there's a cottage industry of guys hand making these in the USA, with prices two, three or even four times higher than we charge. I've bought them all. These sound and feel just as good- there.I said it.You get the block as pictured.

Mim Stratocaster Specs

Your stock mounting screws fit PERFECTLY, just reuse them. You will need a USA sized arm- If you have one from any vintage or modern screw-arm strat, you're all set- if not we sell them cheap too. Just unscrew your saddles, unscrew the old block and screw the GFS unit in it's place- THAT'S IT! Be VERY careful when screwing the new block on- real steel will always have a touch of oxidation on the threads so you'll need a little bit of pressure, but they thread nice and tight and once secure- it's like a single block of metal!These are black electrocoated to fend off rust. (Silver paint looks cool but paint tends to dampen vibration a bit, and hence tone and sustain are very slightly affected).