Bx Series Droid Commando

BX-series droid commandos, also known as commando droids, were advanced battle droids used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. Commando Droids are deadly to Clone Troopers. They usually rush into the battle by killing many troopers by using their E-5 Blaster rifles. Download Bx-series Droid Commando - Upgraded B1 Battle Droid PNG image for free. Search more high quality free transparent png images on PNGkey.com and share it with your friends.
Nothing in Wal-Mart is powerful enough to down one of these droids, especially if the droid is armed. Loading up flat bed carts with heavy items and using it a surprise battering ram would only slow it down. Even if the store carried firearms, they would be small caliber weapons that wouldn't do much as the droid is sturdy metal itself.
If you can get people to help you with all of the firearms in the store such as the rifles and shotguns, then you may have a chance. No one clears this alone, they would only prolong the inevitable. Nothing in Wal-Mart is powerful enough to down one of these droids, especially if the droid is armed.
Virtual directory for the CRL and AIAAfter you create a folder in Windows Explorer, you must configure the folder as a virtual directory in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, as well as configuring the access control list for the virtual directory to allow computers to access the AIA and CRL after they are published there. Additional CA1 configurationThe CA publishes a certificate revocation list (CRL) that computers must check to ensure that certificates that are presented to them as proof of identity are valid certificates and have not been revoked. WEB1 running the Web Services (IIS) server roleOn the computer that is running the Web Server (IIS) server role, WEB1, you must create a folder in Windows Explorer for use as the location for the CRL and AIA. You must configure your CA with the correct location of the CRL so that computers know where to look for the CRL during the authentication process. Microsoft certificate services 2016.
Loading up flat bed carts with heavy items and using it a surprise battering ram would only slow it down. Even if the store carried firearms, they would be small caliber weapons that wouldn't do much as the droid is sturdy metal itself. If you can get people to help you with all of the firearms in the store such as the rifles and shotguns, then you may have a chance. No one clears this alone, they would only prolong the inevitable.What about immobilizing it? Can you live with causing the deaths of all those officers when the droid shows up? It'll be like Terminator lite.I have two choices, 1: Fight the robot in a building packed full of civilians, including, children. 2: Have it fight the police, men and women who are armed and trained.Yeah, I think I'll take the second choice every time and it comes with the added bonus of greater chances of survival.Oh, I see your logic now, probably should have clarified.
You get the day inside the store to set up whatever you want, at night the store clears and the droid arrives. No one in the store, worker or civilian, will question what your doing or why you are taking/moving things around. Also, sent you a PM, not sure if you got the notification, mine have been acting up lately.
Kind of depends on how smart and durable these things are, I know almost nothing about Star Wars.However, I live in redneck central Mississippi, our local Walmart has a bigger firearm section than some others have grocery sections. If I can bring my own gun I will, but the main help will be from the roughly 300 propane tanks they carry, that will be wrapped in heavy chain, with candles lit nearby.I am no electrician but I could hook up a heavy duty cable to the main transformer and lay a trap with it.I do not exactly know how to work a forklift but maybe I could even set up a shelf with heavy equipment and topple it onto the thing to trap it long enough to use both the heavy electric cable and the 300 ish propane tanks.If that is not strong enough I can think up some more stuff but I would probably be called a terrorist. I do know how to make napalm, pipe bombs, and a few other things.If that does not take out the Droid well, I am screwed. Kind of depends on how smart and durable these things are, I know almost nothing about Star Wars.However, I live in redneck central Mississippi, our local Walmart has a bigger firearm section than some others have grocery sections.

If I can bring my own gun I will, but the main help will be from the roughly 300 propane tanks they carry, that will be wrapped in heavy chain, with candles lit nearby.I am no electrician but I could hook up a heavy duty cable to the main transformer and lay a trap with it.I do not exactly know how to work a forklift but maybe I could even set up a shelf with heavy equipment and topple it onto the thing to trap it long enough to use both the heavy electric cable and the 300 ish propane tanks.If that is not strong enough I can think up some more stuff but I would probably be called a terrorist. I do know how to make napalm, pipe bombs, and a few other things.If that does not take out the Droid well, I am screwed.Here's most of the relevant clips, the ones in the last scene had already been damaged when their ship crashed so they aren't at 100%. The clips start at the important parts. EASY.it would be complicate,d and while nothing in the stores would take it out completely, they CAN disarm him.basicly, set up a Propane based Trap, with the idea to produce enough kinetic force to knock his blaster away, which i then use to kill it.basicly, going to be making a hole in the ground(with shovels) loading it up with 1-2 propane tanks (all slightly left on just a little bit, to let he propane slowly leak out and fill up the hole with propane.crate a false floor over the propane hole using shelving from the store and flat wooden pieces from the furniture. Create a 'barricade' with object, to act like I'm hiding behind it to try to trick the droid into approaching to kill me.use wiring, a few toys and a drone i will create a activating switch, to complete a circuit to electrically charge the starter on a Gass grill that i have placed in with the propane tanks.once everything is set up, its time to rig smaller 'traps' to make the droid think i am a pretty stupid person, by having little traps that are obviously not going to hurt him. Goat him over to the area, wait for him to then walk across the false floor being guided to me by the barricades. Blow it up under him.again, this wont kill him, but it should knock away his gun.
I take this and then shoot him.
Bx-series Droid Commandos
Hi there,I'm making the transition from GM to player in the New Year. I've been told by my GM that there are too many Force-sensitive characters at the table, and so I'm thinking through my options. I read the story of C-3PX, a protocol droid turned assassin, and wondered if that could work in reverse: an assassin or battle droid turned protocol droid.So, here's my idea:BX-M8 was a commando droid commander during the Clone Wars. He managed to survive somehow and was pressed into service with a Hutt the year the Empire was declared. Due to power struggles gone wrong, his master was killed and M8 was fitted with a special restraining bolt that forced him to ignore his primary programming and become a protocol droid.The MO of his new master was to have M8 stand at his side with a blaster, threatening and coercing those who wanted to deal. Whilst M8 still had his blaster rifle, he now was unable to use it in any meaningful way. The restraining bolt completely suppresses his former skill set.After many years of service, M8 met a small, battered astromech droid, S19-N5, who was able to slice the restraining bolt and find a lovely little loophole in it, which meant that BX-M8 could ignore the requirements of ownership.
He became his own droid and left.His obsession is with removing the restraining bolt, as his previous skills are still forbidden, but it's far too sophisticated for anyone he's met thus far (represented by Obsession (10) as his obligation). His motivation is freedom and any time spent not looking for a droid technician to remove the bolt is wasted in his opinion.My question to you all is this: how do I represent that on the table? What career and spec would you give him. I see him as the 'Face' of the crew, but more of a Coerce and Deception focus.Over to you!PS: Once he's through character creation, I have 190XP to play with.
Edited December 18, 2014 by Cilionelle. My question to you all is this: how do I represent that on the table?
What career and spec would you give him.How would you do that for a human? With regards to Careers and Specializations, they’re no different.Personally, I’d start with AoR Soldier:Commando, since you say he was a Commando Droid. That seems to be a perfect fit for his starting skills. If you prefer, you could go with EotE Hired Gun:Mercenary Soldier, or one of the other EotE Hired Gun specializations, but those don’t seem to fit as well as an actual “commando soldier”. If you want to stick with purely F&D careers, then you could do Warrior:Aggressor, minus the force talents, but that would seem to me to be too much of a crippling of his nature.From there, you need to figure out what makes more sense for his “protocol droid” re-training. Does it make more sense to go EotE Colonist:Politico?
The way you describe it, EotE Hired Gun:Enforcer actually sounds like it would make more sense, given that the Enforcer tends to work through Intimidation, Loom, and being Fearsome. But I could also see EotE Explorer:Trader, for the Negotiation and Perception skills. The AoR Diplomat:Ambassador specialization could also work well. In F&D, the Mystic:Advisor specialization seems to fit well, but again you’d be losing all the force-related talents.So, I think there’s a number of ways that you could build the kind of character you want with regards to the game mechanics.
IMO, the more important thing is how you want to skin that build, to make it role-play the way you want. I see him as the 'Face' of the crew, but more of a Coerce and Deception focus.That’s tough. In most places in this galaxy, they don’t like droids. That’s a holdover from the Clone Wars. So, IMO making a droid “Face” is going to be very hard. IMO, that’s doubly hard if you still look exactly like an old Commando Droid. Most people should be scared shitless of you.It’s going to be really hard to Negotiate with or Coerce anyone if you can’t get into the place of business because you’re told “We don’t serve their kind here!” just as soon as you walk in.In a tough place like Mos Eisley on Tatooine, C3-PO and R2-D2 had a hard enough time, and they didn’t look at all threatening.
If you were to try to stick your head in the door, I would expect every blaster in the place to come out and start firing at you, before you even get halfway in.Oh, and my Wookiee Maurauder/Heavy would definitely be ripping you limb-from-limb. And then beating the crap out of your remains using your own arms and legs as improvised weapons. There definitely wouldn’t be anything left for the Jawas to try to scavenge.We had a game a while back where one of the players was running a Two-One-Bee medical droid, and he was trying to become a “face” for the group. He’s no longer playing with us, and I have to wonder how much of that was due to the fact that he started off so far behind by trying to take a droid and make it into a “face”.
Edited December 18, 2014 by bradknowles. I guess it depends how you want to play it. YMMV.My game is a lot like Brad's above - droids have it really hard, with almost every race suspicious of them and disliking them. Nobody wants to listen to the opinions of their toaster or vacuum cleaner, after all.One of the main reasons our droid sticks with the PCs group is because most of them treat her with friendship and respect, and see her as a person rather than equipment.In the canon, droids in general seems to be second-class citizens and even the heroes don't seem to care much about them. They don't get medals or promoted or anything, and seem taken for granted. I disagree with those arguing that droid faces can't (or shouldn't) work. Protocol droids are pretty much the definition of a droid face; that's their primary function, to interface with organics and facilitate tea and crumpets.
I agree that this might get more difficult once you get away from high society, but perhaps one of your buddies has enough Coercion that he can say, 'You DO serve their kind her, don't you?' When you get to the cantina. Someone in the party will also have to be your designated master, or at least pretend to be. I'd build the droid as an Ambassador or Politico and then get the combat stuff when the time comes.All of that applies to designated protocol droid models.

I agree with folks above that the combat droid shell will give people pause. If this is a commonly known model, you will be in for trouble. I disagree with those arguing that droid faces can't (or shouldn't) work.I’m not saying that it can’t or shouldn’t work. I am saying that it’s a tough challenge, even when you start off being a proper Protocol Droid. That alone is like starting off with at least one arm tied behind your back.When you’re not a proper Protocol Droid but you’re supposedly acting as one even though you look like something much nastier, IMO that’s a much more difficult situation. Like maybe all your arms tied behind your back and perhaps one or more of your legs tied behind you as well.Not impossible mind you, just a much bigger challenge.
Star Wars Commando Droid
Thanks for the thoughts, guys. There's some good ideas there! What about the initial characteristics buy? That's going to be a bit trickier, due to the varied skills needed. Should I just go with the Face build, ignoring the Commando bit for now, or make a more general build, or even a Commando type build that actually is gimped in the social stuff?If you want to make it as a proper Protocol Droid, then I’d buy the characteristics to suit. You could gimp yourself out of the starting block to try to support your role-playing, or if you think you’re going to need those capabilities sooner rather than later.But personally, I wouldn’t gimp myself any more than my character concept requires. Life for you is going to be hard enough as it is.
There’s no need making it any harder than it has to be.But, it’s your character and your game, so it’s your choice.