Fast Travel From Anywhere
BL1 is kind of weird in that you can't really fast-travel anywhere but firestone + DLC destinations until you've done Lucky's quest, which is around lvl 15 or so. Personally I had gotten used to it by then and was flabber-gasted when my fast-travel list filled up to about two screens worth of destinations after doind that rather easy quest.
Red Dead Redemption 2Once you get in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will start to get at least some kind of sense of how big the world is. You will keep getting assigned missions further and further out, and the rides there and back start to take a long time. At about hour 3-4 or so, you might find yourself asking “does this game even have fast travel?”It does, in fact, as I thought Rockstar might abandon it entirely for the sake of “immersion,” but thankfully it does exist in the game, even if it is extremely well-hidden.As you may have realized by now, you can’t just pick towns or camps on your map and hit a fast travel button there. Rather, fast travel is something you can only do from your camp, and the way you unlock it is through your ledger.Your camp ledger lays out all the different upgrades you can buy for your camp, and there’s one near the end which upgrades Dutch’s lodgings because he “wants something more comfy.” For $200+ this seems like BS, as who cares how Dutch feels, but when you buy it, it makes the rest of camp donate more money to the bin, so it actually does have a benefit.
Fast Travel Anywhere Forza Horizon 4

Fast Travel From Anywhere Skyrim

- Sorry for not speaking in this, my mic is really bad. You need to be playing on a computer and use the console command tmm 1. To disable all markers, use tmm 0. I do not know of a way to revert to.
- Fast Travel (Anywhere) Mod - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: The title says it all. Is it possible to mod the game so you can fast travel from anywhere? I would love to be able to fast travel from indoors.
Iview for you v4 download. The fast travel mapBut after that, you unlock the next upgrade, which is a fast travel map that will go on the back of Arthur’s tent.